
Podcast: Finding the Optimum PV Plant Setup with Researchers from TU Delft

PV modules generate the largest amount of electricity when directly exposed to the sun. In theory, using two-axis trackers would maximize the yield. For obvious economic reasons, a fixed installation...
Solar Energy
ISO 9060 Class A Pyranometers provide the most accurate measurements of solar irradiance

Class A Pyranometers: Choosing the Right Type for Your PV Plant

To ensure top performance of solar PV installations, leading irradiance measurement instrumentation is required for both site assessment and resource monitoring. The quality of pyranometers and pyrheliometers is defined by...
MeteorologySolar Energy
Sun Trackers Kipp & Zonen RaZON+ (left) and SOLYS2

How to Choose the Right Sun Tracker?

A complete measurement of solar irradiance includes global (GHI), direct (DNI), and diffuse (DHI or DIF) radiation. To accomplish this, a high-quality solar monitoring station typically comprises an automatic sun...
MeteorologySolar Energy

Water Monitoring & Research in the Great Fen

The Great Fen, a vast landscape located in Cambridgeshire, England, and home to two National Nature Reserves, is currently undergoing one of the largest restoration projects of its type in...
Weather station in alpine summer landscape

Measuring Air Quality in Switzerland’s Lofty Mountains with Pluvio²

Inaccessibly shimmering from the distance as white giants, but the mountains are sensitive on the events in the plains. Amid the Swiss Alps, at the Alpine Research Station Furka (ALPFOR)...

Update Your Analogue Scintillometer to the Digital MkII

Do you have an older model of our Large Aperture Scintillometer? We now offer the possibility to upgrade your transmitter and receiver with all the added benefits of our new...
Solar Energy

Lufft WS501 up and running at Lake Untersee

The Lower Lake in the east of Antarctica is a fascinating body of water that has been covered with ice for an estimated 100 thousand years. It therefore represents a...