
Podcast: CMP – Craig and Martin Podcasting at Intersolar 2024

Intersolar has been huge this year. 18 halls filled with new PV panels, battery systems, inverters, mounting equipment, cleaning robots, software solutions, and more, underscore the industry’s dynamics and hunger...
Solar Energy

Podcast: Analog or Smart Sensor? Choosing the Right Instrument

Food for geeks! Most measurement instruments are either analog or smart. This applies to our Kipp & Zonen portfolio for solar irradiance monitoring, too. But which one to choose for...
MeteorologySolar Energy

Podcast: Meet the Dutch Couple Who Drove to Cape Town and Back

Special Holidays Episode! This Dutch couple has seen quite a big part of the world. Maarten van Pel and Renske Cox always have been passionate travelers. But one day, they...
Solar Energy

Podcast: How Europe’s Dirtiest River Emscher Was Revived

The river Emscher in Western Germany has a turbulent history. Within one century, it turned from a leisurely meandering stream to Europe’s dirtiest river and, most recently, to a restored...

Podcast: Road Weather Innovations – A Trip to Poland

In a coalescing world, safe and efficient transportation of people and goods becomes increasingly important. Thus, it comes with little surprise that weather monitoring for roads, railways, and air traffic...

Podcast: Introduction to PV Soiling – Background, Impact, and Treatment Options

Dirty PV modules generate less energy than clean ones. This phenomenon called “soiling” sums up to losses of several billion dollars every year. Cleaning increases efficiency, but comes at a...
Solar Energy