While the OTT RLS is excellent for non-contact measurement of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, it’s also very well suited to measure tide water level in bays and estuaries.
In an interesting application in Scotland, the OTT RLS (along with OTT CBS and Lufft Ventus) is used to help ferry masters on the west coast of Scotland assess whether a port a has appropriate tide and weather conditions to harbor there. Ferries are crucial for local transportation in this region and historically, ferry masters have had to visually assess whether a port is suitable for landing. Ferry landings can be dangerous with high winds and rough seas.
15 tide level and weather stations were installed along the western coast of Scotland. 13 included the OTT RLS and Lufft Ventus weather sensor, while two utilized an OTT CBS bubbler sensor where non-contact level measurement was required, but bubbler technology was more appropriate over radar. Data were sent back to ferry offices via radio transmission with Adcon RTUs, and then relayed to ferry masters, saving substantial time and keeping the boats safe.
For more detailed information on this project please visit the project page on OTT.com.