This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing ‘Solutions, Products and News’.
Greetings reader,
As we step into 2024, a year teeming with global challenges, we can’t help but notice a silver lining amid the uncertainties in the realms of politics, economics, and the evolving landscape of climate change.
One piece of good news is the growing acknowledgment from governments and organizations like the UN regarding the importance of environmental monitoring. Events such as COP28 and initiatives like Early Warnings for All underscore this recognition.
When it comes to crucial decisions, especially those with far-reaching impacts, reliable data is non-negotiable. Despite the advancements in AI and computational capabilities, ground-based measurements remain as crucial as ever for informed decision-making.
In this inaugural newsletter from OTT HydroMet, we want to shine a SPOTTLIGHT on the monitoring professionals and environmental enthusiasts who diligently observe the elements. Your efforts contribute significantly to understanding and addressing challenges in hydrology, meteorology, and solar energy. Rest assured, our commitment remains steadfast in providing systems and instrumentation tailored to your specific needs.
Enjoy the read and have a great start in 2024!
OTT HydroMet Team
News & Stories
BLOG | Quantifying the Rapid Melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Climate change is hitting Greenland hard. To increase the quality of measurements, scientists are expanding their network with new instrumentation.

BLOG | The Dish That Fills 2,000 Dishes Every Day
The “SG4 Big Dish” is the world’s largest and most efficient solar concentrator. It generates enough steam to cook 2,000 meals a day and, additionally, produce electricity for a hospital in India.
PODCAST | How Europe’s Dirtiest River Was Revived
Within one century, the Emscher turned from a meandering stream to Europe’s dirtiest river and, finally, to a restored recreation area. This double transformation is a big opportunity for the region.
Trainings & Webinars
SOLAR & METEOROLOGY | Kipp & Zonen Training Program
OTT HydroMet is proud to launch its new training program for solar radiation measurement for both meteorology and solar energy. Starting with the scientific and technical basics, this training program is made for everyone who measures solar radiation or soiling with Kipp & Zonen instruments. For now, three courses are available. Find the dates and more information about each course regarding contents, duration, and pricing by clicking on the link above.
HYDROLOGY | 2024 OTT Trainings Calendar Announced
We are expanding our hydrology trainings offering for German speaking users of OTT products. In 2024, trainings will take place not only in Kempten, Bavaria, but also in Düsseldorf, North Rhine Westphalia. Furthermore, we hold two completely new training courses: “Online Data Visualization” and “Industrial Communication”. Find the dates, contents, and registration options for all trainings on our German website.
Product Highlights
Complete Weather Stations Improve PV Performance
Meteorological monitoring is relevant in every stage of a solar power plant’s life cycle, for site assessment as well as during operation for solar resource monitoring. Choose an integrated and synced system for smooth operation.
UPDATE | Jet Filter for Lufft CHM 8k Ceilometer
The Lufft CHM 8k cloud height sensor is now able to distinguish clouds from airplanes that pass its laser beam. The ceilometer now has received an improved algorithm that features a jet filter. Users can easily update the firmware to benefit from this feature. Find the download on the product page linked above.
AMS 2024
Join our team of experts online and in person for the AMS 104th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, 28 January – 1 February.
Intertraffic 2024
Discover our superior suite of solutions and services tailored to meet your needs at the leading exhibition for mobility professionals in Amsterdam, 16-19 April.
This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing ‘Solutions, Products and News’.