
Introducing the updated firmware 2.0 of the OTT MF pro water flow meter

In the following video, we show you, which features and improvements were implemented through the latest MF pro firmware update (version 2.0). Agenda: Introduction Substantive Changes Design Changes QA /...

What technology should you choose to measure local rain or water levels?

It can be difficult to select monitoring technology for flooding applications when each step of building a network, from sensors to dataloggers to visualization software, has multiple options. Using OTT...

Natural Flood Management and the role of environmental monitoring

Flooding is a natural process, but it can cause heavy economic loss and endangers lives.  Flood risk is expected to increase with climate change and increased urbanisation, so a heavy...

Recording of the webinar introducing the new OTT ecoLog 1000 water level logger

The smart OTT ecoLog 1000 water level logger has been available since August 2019 - but do you know all its features and benefits yet? Product Manager Peter Schaeffeler presented...

Whitepaper on how to build urban flood resilience plans

Are you well-prepared for floods? Learn more about suitable precautionary measures and the right tools in our latest whitepaper! As populations grow and urbanization increases, flooding events have been increasing...

Live Webinar invite – Introducing the new OTT ecoLog 1000 Groundwater-Datalogger – future proof thanks to 4G/LTE , Bluetooth, APP control, …

The OTT ecoLog 1000 is a self-contained, cellular groundwater level logger for measuring water level and temperature. It provides reliable system up-time and accurate measurements while avoiding data gaps. It’s...

Do you have questions about flooding and stormwater? Here you get the answers!

When it comes to flood warnings in urban areas, there are certain questions that we hear time and again from our customers. We’ve consolidated what the industry is most curious...

Introducing: OTT ecoLog 1000, an All-in-One Groundwater Monitoring Solution

As the need for continuous time series data with reasonably priced equipment grows, we’re excited to announce the launch of the NEW OTT ecoLog 1000. This modern surface and groundwater...

TechTip: Set Alerts with OTT netDL

In the following TechTip you will learn which alarms the OTT netDL data logger can issue and how to set them. This TechTip requires the experienced use of the OTT...

How Flooding Data Saves Lives

Discover our latest infographic about flood warning systems and how measurement data can save lives. When a community is unprepared for rising water levels or flooding events, it can be...

Groundwater Monitoring from Across the Globe

Not sure what groundwater monitoring data can provide for you? We’ve compiled some of their projects in our new case study compilation to showcase how groundwater data can be used...

Trends in Nutrient Monitoring

The nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of water has the potential to become a significant environmental problem. Our recent whitepaper deals with this topic and discusses possible solutions. As essential components...