
Download the Quality Assurance and Quality Control Technical Note Now!

The primary activities taken to assure and control data quality are aptly called quality assurance and quality control. Determining the “true value” of a water quality measurement is an important fundamental of any QA/QC program. To determine the true value, many professionals apply a second means of measuring the parameter of interest, such as another instrument that is kept serviced and calibrated just for quality control purposes or a grab sample that is evaluated using a trusted laboratory technique. Instruments such as HYDROLAB‘s produce high quality data for many applications and by leveraging the HYDROLAB Operating System you can maximize uptime with streamlined calibration tasks

Good QA/QC programs require robust calibration procedures that ultimately provide valuable information about, and confidence in, the instrument’s performance. The QA/QC Tech note highlights key information made available during a HYDROLAB multi-parameter water quality sonde calibration.

Read the complete QA/QC Tech Note

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