5 Reasons Why You Should Visit OTT HydroMet at Meteorological Technology World Expo 2022

Bonjour Paris! After three long years, the world’s meteorological community finally reunites at Meteorological Technology World Expo. As a leading developer and manufacturer of environmental monitoring solutions, OTT HydroMet is excited to join the show at booth 8020. Here are five reasons why you should consider stopping by.

1. Discover OTT HydroMet’s Broad and Synced Portfolio of Proven Instruments for Meteorology and Climate Measurements  

Meteorologists and climate researchers around the world trust in OTT HydroMet’s sophisticated suite of instruments, anchored by proven brands such as Lufft, Kipp & Zonen, OTT, ADCON, Sutron, and others. Even in remote and extreme locations, for example in Greenland or high in the Swiss Alps, our sensors reliably do their service with minimal maintenance required. Many of them are in operation for far over a decade, supported by a mean time between failures of more than 10 years. Gain insight at point blank into OTT HydroMet’s broad portfolio including Lufft ceilometers, ultrasonic anemometers and compact weather sensors, Kipp & Zonen radiometers, OTT precipitation gauges, and many more.

2. Precipitation is too Important to Rely on Guessing

Measuring precipitation is essential for meteorological and climatological purposes, but also for hydrological applications and local communities. Depending on the application and the place of operation, there are different kinds of instruments to detect rain, snow, and hail. OTT HydroMet offers various types of instruments to equip every monitoring station with a fitting technology, compliant with WMO No. 8 or CIMO guidelines.

The OTT Pluvio² weighing rain gauge has become the standard for accurate and reliable monitoring of liquid and solid precipitation with more than 15,000 units deployed worldwide. Thanks to its robust design, maintenance is limited to one visit per year to empty its bucket. The Pluvio² is available in two sizes; S and L – choose the one that fits your purpose.

Discover the OTT Parsivel² disdrometer, a laser-optical instrument for capturing particle size and velocity of hydrometeors, that is any kind of liquid or solid precipitation.

For compact and cost-efficient precipitation monitoring, the Lufft WS Smart Weather Sensors provide reliable data based on radar measurements. The Lufft WS100, for example, adds precipitation measurement with a small footprint to every weather monitoring station. The versatile Lufft WS600 includes additional sensors for wind speed and direction, air temperature and pressure, and relative humidity – all in one housing.

3. Precisely Measuring Snow Depth with the Experts’ Sensor of Choice

Precise determination of snow depth is a central indicator for many global weather application decisions. OTT HydroMet snow sensors have become the standard for meteorological snow measurements in climate research, flood and avalanche risk detection, and winter sport/traffic safety assessments.

With thousands of installed instruments on every continent, both the Lufft SHM 31 and its predecessor model, the SMH 30, have established themselves as the standard for precisely measuring the depth of snow. Its powerful laser sensor measures the density of snow from above, without the need for contact; it is designed to be safe for the eyes (class-2 laser) and, thanks to its built-in heating module, it requires no maintenance.

4. Lufft Ceilometers CHM 15k & 8k: Scientific All-rounders

Originally built for measuring cloud height and aerosols, a ceilometer can do way more. From air quality to wildfire observation to ground blizzards – scientists from various disciplines are discovering its strengths and benefits. OTT HydroMet offers the proven Lufft CHM series, that is enjoying growing popularity within the scientific community. Before visiting our booth, check out this selection of projects showing that with a bit of creativity, ceilometers are extremely versatile and cost-efficient research instruments.

Lufft Ceilometers CHM 15k and CHM 8k

5. Pyranometer Innovation: The New Kipp & Zonen SMP12

The first manufacturer of pyranometers, Kipp & Zonen, a product brand of OTT HydroMet, introduces another innovation to solar radiation monitoring. The new ISO- and IEC-compliant SMP12 is the industry’s first Class A pyranometer that delivers integrated heating with zero moving parts (solid-state technology) and best-in-class surge protection.

OTT HydroMet’s scientists and engineers focused on making the new instrument fully compliant with the highest class of ISO 9060:2018 and created a “spectrally flat, fast response pyranometer of Class A”.

Get your free ticket for Meteorological Technology World Expo 2022 and check out OTT HydroMet’s broad portfolio of proven instruments and monitoring solutions at our booth 8020!

Are you monitoring solar irradiance? If so, we recommend joining our upcoming webinar on “the Impact of Dew, Frost, and Soiling on Solar Radiation Monitoring – and Ways to Mitigate it”. Join our solar monitoring experts Victor Cassella and Clive Lee on September 29 at 10:00 ET/15:00 BST.

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