Do you know our new sensor for traffic management applications yet?

Become acquainted to our new opto-electronical, stationary road weather based on the same technology as the mobile Lufft sensor MARWIS.

After a year of development work, the new Lufft stationary road weather sensor StaRWIS (Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor) is now market-ready. It can be mounted at measuring distances of 5 to 6 meters above the road and is based on the award-winning LED technology we already used for the mobile road weather sensor MARWIS. The latter, in turn, was an evolution of the first non-contact road sensor NIRS31-UMB which we launched in 2011. Therefore StaRWIS embodies the new generation of this product line and offers a less expensive version with a limited installation height range whereas NIRS31-UMB is still the right choice for installation heights between 6 and 15 meters.

Suitable for traffic management applications in cities and narrow spaces

StarWIS is more compact than NIRS31-UMB, because it has the same housing as the MARWIS. It is easy-to-install and particularly suitable for hard-to-reach or critical locations, which make installation on the ground difficult or even impossible such as on bridges or in narrow city streets.

It delivers the same measured values as the MARWIS:

  • Road temperature
  • Dew point temperature
  • Water film height
  • Road conditions (dry, wet, ice, slush, snow, critical and chemically wet)
  • Relative humidity
  • Ice percentage
  • Friction

In November 2017, a firmware update will add the values freezing point temperature and dew point density. The data transfer takes place via Bluetooth, CAN-bus and RS485 interface in form of the open Lufft UMB protocol. The setup is carried out with the UMB ConfigTool.NET and for the data output I recommend the ViewMondo monitoring software.

In order to test it and demonstrate its functions to customers, our sales partner installed it on his estate in Canada and operated it over the winter. He was very happy with the result and reported:

“StaRWIS provides all measurements accurately and reliably. It even exceeded our expectations”.

It confirmed that the new technology was the right one to go on with to access new fields of application.


You want to know more about StaRWIS or request a quote?

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