Solar Energy

Spottlight Newsletter Title Image

Newsletter – SPOTTLIGHT 03/25

This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing 'Solutions, Products and News'. Dear Reader, Welcome...
HydrologyMeteorologySolar Energy

Newsletter – SPOTTLIGHT 06/24

This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing 'Solutions, Products and News'.Dear Reader, Welcome to SPOTTLIGHT...
HydrologyMeteorologySolar Energy
DustIQ Soiling Sensor next to PV modules

Soiling Measurement and Monitoring on Photovoltaic Sites

Prior to a webinar on O&M efficiency with SolarCleano, a Luxembourg-based company specializing in solar panel-cleaning robotics, we sat down with Udo Kronmueller, our Applications Development Manager for Solar. Udo...
Solar Energy
laptop open to image of solar panels

Solar PV Webinars: A Roundup of Three Popular Sessions

The photovoltaics industry is regarded as one of the fastest-growing sectors in renewable energy. With advancing technological innovations, emerging trends blending how to use PV sites (AgroPV as an example),...
Solar Energy

Podcast: Is the Solar Party Over Already? Live from Solarplaza with Cormac Gilligan

Renewable energy sources are on the rise, in recent years mainly thanks to photovoltaics. But various challenges are about to slow down its dynamic growth: Grid challenges, unsolved storage issues,...
Solar Energy
Spottlight Newsletter Title Image

Newsletter – SPOTTLIGHT 05/24

This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing 'Solutions, Products and News'. Dear Reader, Welcome...
HydrologyMeteorologySolar Energy

Podcast: Finding the Optimum PV Plant Setup with Researchers from TU Delft

PV modules generate the largest amount of electricity when directly exposed to the sun. In theory, using two-axis trackers would maximize the yield. For obvious economic reasons, a fixed installation...
Solar Energy

Newsletter – SPOTTLIGHT 04/24

This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing 'Solutions, Products and News'.Dear Reader, Welcome to SPOTTLIGHT...
HydrologyMeteorologySolar Energy
OTT HydroMet's Marc Korevaar showcases bronze award at Veralto Innovation Conference 2024

Kipp & Zonen SMP12: Our Class A Pyranometer Wins Bronze

The team at OTT HydroMet is excited to announce that our Class A irradiance sensor, the Kipp & Zonen SMP12 won an Innovation Award at the inaugural Veralto Innovation Conference...
Solar Energy

Podcast: CMP – Craig and Martin Podcasting at Intersolar 2024

Intersolar has been huge this year. 18 halls filled with new PV panels, battery systems, inverters, mounting equipment, cleaning robots, software solutions, and more, underscore the industry’s dynamics and hunger...
Solar Energy

Newsletter – SPOTTLIGHT 03/24

This is the web version of the OTT HydroMet Newsletter. If you want to receive the email, you can subscribe here by choosing 'Solutions, Products and News'.Dear Reader, Welcome to SPOTTLIGHT...
HydrologyMeteorologySolar Energy
ISO 9060 Class A Pyranometers provide the most accurate measurements of solar irradiance

Class A Pyranometers: Choosing the Right Type for Your PV Plant

To ensure top performance of solar PV installations, leading irradiance measurement instrumentation is required for both site assessment and resource monitoring. The quality of pyranometers and pyrheliometers is defined by...
MeteorologySolar Energy