
10 Things to Know about Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)

ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) is a popular water quality parameter that is normally measured as the voltage between a platinum measuring electrode and a reference electrode. Though ORP is classically...

Water Flow and Discharge Measurement with the OTT MF pro

The OTT MF pro water velocity meter is a popular choice for water flow and discharge measurement in rivers, streams, and open channels. Today we'll take an in-depth look at...

Real-time Groundwater Monitoring Around Natural Gas Drill Sites in Colorado

The Center for Energy Water Sustainability (CEWS) at Colorado State University, in partnership with Noble Energy, has developed a real-time groundwater monitoring system in the Denver-Julesburg basin of Colorado called...

Minimizing Calibration Uncertainty with Water Quality Sondes

Calibrating a water quality sensor is a necessary step in creating measurement results that meet the highest standards of accuracy. Water quality instruments that allow user calibration are common. Because...

Using Copper for Anti-Fouling on Water Quality Sondes

Background Copper is widely recognized as an effective inhibitor to biological growth and it has been used successfully in many applications where biological activity impedes the desired result. One example...

OTT netDL Data Logger Video Series

Setting up any new data logger and connecting it to a sensor can be a daunting task for even experienced water measurement professionals, so we've created the OTT netDL Data...

Measuring Conductivity of Water: Temperature Compensation and Derivatives

Electrical conductivity is one of the most common general water quality parameters in surface water and groundwater as it is a popular surrogate measurement for naturally-occurring and anthropogenic contamination of environmental...

Cave Water Discharge Measurement with the OTT MF pro Flow Meter

In one of the more unique discharge applications around the world, the OTT MF pro flow meter is being used for discharge measurements in the Hessenhau Cave of southern Germany. The...

Basic Introduction to In Situ Nitrate Measurement and Sensor Selection

In situ nitrate measurement is popular because of the importance nitrate concentration has to the health of natural water bodies. Unnaturally high nitrate concentration may lead to excessive algae and...

How’s the QA/QC in Your Water Quality Program?

Useable data is the lifeblood of any water monitoring program and variation in measurement processes impairs the quality of the data that water resource professionals work so hard to obtain....
Diagram outlining the process to get groundwater quality data from a Hydrolab MS5 back to the CWW office and website

Groundwater Monitoring Around Hydraulic Fracturing Drill Sites in Colorado

Hydraulic fracturing or ‘Fracking’ has become more prevalent and controversial in the US in recent years. More than 90 percent of new natural gas wells in the US are completed...
The completed weather station at 18,537 ft in Peru. OTT Pluvio and Parsivel can be spotted on the left and right.

OTT Rain Gauges Used in Remote Precipitation Monitoring Stations in Andes Mountains

There are remote monitoring locations, and REMOTE monitoring locations! Appalachian State University, in partnership with a multitude of other universities and the National Science Foundation, has undertaken the task of installing...