Thank You Solar Energy Industry for the Award!

Solar Power Award

Solar radiation monitoring has become a standard practice at solar energy plants. And almost every power plant uses pyranometers. Since the launch of our Smart interface the user friendliness of our pyranometers has been much improved. The solar industry has recognised this and we are honoured to have received the Solar+Power ‘Energy Usage Enabling Award’.

Last year we expanded our range of Smart monitoring instruments with our highest performance pyranometers, SMP21 and SMP22. This has led to the nomination for the award that resulted in the best compliment we could get: an award based on the solar industry’s votes. We are honoured that our strategy of innovation and development is in line with the industry’s demands.

Solar power Award

New developments

This year we have made another step towards the market’s desire. With our new RaZON+ we have an affordable system for solar monitoring that has all features and measurements combined, all-in-one. Read more on our product page about its user-friendliness and other unique features.

The award ceremony

After the first exhibition day of Intersolar Europe last month the whole Kipp & Zonen team rushed through the Munich traffic to attend the Award ceremony organised by Solar+Power. In the delightful company of 12 other award winners our product manager Ruud Ringoir proudly received the award.

Solar power award

The judges’ comments: “Kipp & Zonen has combined the research-grade CMP21 and CMP22 pyranometers with smart features to provide improved performance in its new SMP21 and SMP22 models that have been optimised for even greater accuracy and reliability.”   We would like to thank everyone that voted for us and especially the organisation at Solar+Power for acknowledging our small role in the large solar energy industry.

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