Berlin Adlershof – the new home of Lufft’s optical sensors

The relocation of the Lufft business field “Optical Sensorsis now complete. The Adlershof-Journal took this to the occasion to report about the new neighbors of the large technology park in Treptow-Koepenick, Berlin. How the new Lufft building looks like and what the site has to offer, you can read here


It is fulfilled: the new Lufft product range of optical sensors (former Jenoptik products) has now moved to the new premises of the Berlin district Adlershof  (Treptow-Koepenick, Berlin). Because of the company’s growth, the old one got simply too small for the team.

The Technology Park Adlershof, where also television studios are located, a journal is devoted to reporting on the latest local events. In the March/April 2015 issue (only in German) Holger Wille, the head of the new Lufft division “optical sensors”, on a picture leans back on a red couch and smiles. This couch looks quite familiar, at least for those who have already visited the Fellbach premises of the measurement and control technology company. It is the red couch, which is placed directly in the reception area. It’s the corporate indoor design and it clearly shows that the two sites belong together now as one company.

The article also describes how the new Lufft building is structured. It seems, that roofs are sometimes more important than you might think. Because, over the heads of the team, a CHM 15K cloud height sensor is installed. The roof will also be used for testing, demonstration, and calibration purposes of new instruments.

According to the Adlershof Journal, the environment of the new premises brings further advantages. Since in the complex there is also the building of MeteoGroup, a major customer of the sensor manufacturer, is located there, the mutual exchange gets easier. It also offers proximity to many other corporate sites, linked to good opportunities to make new contacts. Holger Wille already contacted the German Center for Aerospace and other interesting institutions, which are all located close to the office. “We want to expand our expertise,” he says in the report.

As weather stations are largely automated nowadays and a low-maintenance design is becoming increasingly important, it is always good to enlarge the team with people, who want to be active and travel around internationally.
Soon two new employees will find their way to the Lufft subsidiary in Berlin. They will certainly benefit from the chic and comfortable Lufft interior design and practical public transport connection as well.

The full story in Adlershof Journal, you can find under: (in German only).

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