Lufft internal – Employees introduce themselves: G. Lufft educates

In the first blog post of the new blog series “Lufft internal – employees introduce themselves”, Quirin Buerkel reports about his dual study program at Lufft.


After I finished my bachelor’s degree at TU Munich, I saw myself confronted with the huge questions, how to continue my education, what are my weaknesses and what do I want to achieve. Through the scientific character at universities, I wasn’t quite sure if that would bring me to the next level. I received the opportunity for a dual master degree at G.Lufft in cooperation with the Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) which is a project competence study. The basic difference compared to the normal university Master program is that you work full time at a company and get your days off you need to attend at the university. The study content also focuses on the individual student, my strengths and weaknesses as well as their enhancement and is not overly content focused. There is a requirement to do things, because knowledge doesn’t make you an expert for professional practice and as far as I see the assessment of individual performance, the proof of performance mostly based on exams seems outdated.

I’m the sixth privileged student here at Lufft, where each one had or has his ‘own’ project and four out of five are still working in the company after they finished the Master program. They established, enhanced and extended online marketing, purchasing and controlling. I for myself work in business development for EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). It’s about expansion of Lufft’s network in this area. I have the opportunity to work on my competencies on daily basis, get familiar with different cultures and still learn the essential basics at the SIBE. My Business Mentor, Lufft CEO, Klaus Hirzel and me defined an individual developmental agreement, in which we stated the goals we want to achieve and how we are getting there.

I really appreciate the short communication channels, also due to the size of the company, the internationality as well as the credit of trust I receive.

Three months have passed and the big picture is getting sharper. I have 21 more to go and I am looking forward to my future experiences.


Buerkel_Quirin_Passbild Informationen zum Autor:
My name is Quirin Bürkel and since November 2014 I work in Business Development as well as international sales at Lufft and study International Management at Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship.

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